Create an account by clicking Create account and follow the email instructions
Start at Log in with your email address and password
Missing or incomplete information will be highlighted in Red and will need to be correct before moving through the page
If you have an active membership then some details will be completed for you
Hover-over or click-on headings to reveal further choices
On completion of an update or a payment you should Log out and will be directed back to the top level of the Membership and Payments page.
there you have the choice to Log in again and make further account changes or
click Go to WAT home page> to return to the Wendover Arm Trust main page
If you are struggling or the Membership and Payments isn't working and you need urgent help, please ring the WAT mobile
If you have an observation or comment please email the Membership Secretary
Payments are processed by; Gocardless for bank Direct Debit (preferred method); and Stripe for credit and debit cards. We also accept cheques- see other ways to pay